In a thrilling match between Allied Engineering and Daraz, Allied Engineering batted first, with Ali Asgher Abbas Rainbow and Haider Qutbuddin leading the charge. Despite their efforts, the rest of the batting lineup struggled, managing to post a total of 133/6. Arsalan Siddiqui and Vansh Kumar starred with the ball for Daraz, picking up crucial wickets.
In response, Daraz faced early setbacks but found stability through opener Humaiyon Tariq’s explosive 50 off 32 balls. Abeer Ahmed’s unbeaten 25 and contributions from Usman Hafeez helped Daraz chase down the target with four wickets to spare. Ahsan Naseer and Yasir Abbas impressed with the ball for Allied Engineering, but Daraz emerged victorious, clinching the match by 4 wickets in a gripping encounter.